Hi there friend!
My name is Kimberly Sykes and I am a 46 year old mother of 3.
For As long as I can remember, I have always turned to food. It was the one constant thing in my life.
Over the next 5 minutes, I’d like to share a bit about my journey with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge in hopes that it might inspire you to reach your goals too 🙂
I never joined this program to lose weight, I joined it to change the way I ate so I could feel better.
I have certainly achieved my goal. I have learned what is good for me, what my body needs to be full of energy and feel good.
The bonus is that I’ve lost 14 pounds and 4 inches in 3 weeks without ever depriving myself.
Throughout my 20’s and 30’s, I yo-yoed up and down in weight. I would try a diet but could never stick to it.
Trust me when I tell you, if I had all the money back that I spent chasing that diet dream I could be rich by now. I never stuck to any of those diets, they were frustrating and looking back now – not at all what I needed.
Who wants to count points or eat tofu? I mean really… I am from the south! If it’s not deep fried and slathered in butter with a big jug of sweet tea then it wasn’t worth having!
The more frustrated I got trying to follow hopeless diet plans, the more I rebelled against the programs. I was constantly giving up, wasting my money and gaining more weight! This happened not once, not twice, but MULTIPLE times.
In my early 40’s, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and things got pretty serious. I learned more than I ever wanted to know about cancer. I went through chemo, radiation and started a medication to help keep the cancer at bay.
I learned quickly that the medication was not my friend. It completely stopped my metabolism in its tracks.
I probably gained 50 pounds in less than a year. I have never felt more defeated in my life as I did then… but when I found CleanFoodCrush everything changed.
I have taken control back over my life and my eating habits, and I know from the deepest parts of my heart that I could not have done it without the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. I’m forever grateful for the support of Rachel, Billie and Daisy.
Crockpot Skinny Lemony Chicken
The 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge is not a diet plan, it’s not about starving yourself or restricting calories – this is a rewarding change in lifestyle. I learned to love and enjoy everyday foods, SIMPLE foods! The recipes are delicious and the experience with the CleanFoodCrush has been absolutely life changing for me.
I feel better NOW than I did in my 20’s. I am up and moving, my joints don’t ache, I sleep like a baby, and BEST of all I FEEL REALLY GOOD about myself. I don’t miss the fried foods and sweet tea even a little.
I never told anyone in my family I was doing this…shhh…don’t tell them. You know how some people are, they hear diet and think tofu…well…maybe that’s just me. Anyway, I just started buying the food from CleanFoodCrush plan and started making the recipes.
Clean Eating Pizza Baked Chicken
My 19 year old son finally asked me about 2 weeks into the challenge if “we were eating healthier for the New Year.” I just smiled and said “something like that”.
My family eats the food I cook, they love the flavors and everything has worked out great!
My advice for anyone on the fence about joining would be to go for it. When you first look at the plan, it seems like a lot of info but I promise it’s not.
You are joining this journey with many, many other people who have your best interest at heart because we are all right there with you…
whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds. CleanFoodCrush is a true community and it is a path to positive transformation and a new, vibrantly healthy lifestyle.