

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
5Jun, 18
Karlas 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge Review
Clean Food Love

Karlas 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge Transformation

Hi there!

My name is Karla Benson, I’m 49 but I’ll be turning 50 in November.

I lost 16 pounds with the help of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, and this is my story!   I hope you find some encouragement so that you can begin your own journey too. 🙂 

First, a little about me,

I have two kids; a 21-year-old son and a 19-year-old daughter, both off on their own adventures as brand new adults. I’m a mother/baby nurse which I love. For fun, I pretty much like anything outdoors and some of my favorites are hiking, kayaking, mountain biking (and road biking). I also love Bikram Yoga.

Karlas Weight Loss Clean Eating Story
I work 12-hour shifts as a nurse where I often find treats at work from patients, co-workers or doctors. This has caused me to struggle to lose weight over the years.

CleanFoodCrush has helped me examine my relationship with food. I had no idea how much sugar I consumed! It honestly blew my mind!

I learned that while other diets say not to eat many things like carbohydrates, for example, CleanFoodCrush encourages me to eat complex carbs. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised to learn I wasn’t eating enough food before CleanFoodCrush, nor was I drinking enough water.

What I LOVE about the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge is that it’s a lifestyle and a way of learning how to eat a healthy balanced diet. I’m not depriving myself or meticulously counting every calorie I eat. This is something I can truly stick to and enjoy along the way! 

 I also learned that some of my eating was out of habit. For example, after a strenuous hike, it was very common for me to stop for soft serve on my way home because I “deserved it.” What I realized is that when my body has the fuel it requires, I don’t even crave sugar anymore.

Healthy Chocolate PB Banana Bread RecipeGluten Free Chocolate + PB Banana Bread

I’ve been trying for over 2 years to lose weight. I’m a fairly active person so I would get frustrated when the scale wasn’t budging! Because of CleanFoodCrush, I have lost 16 pounds!

During week one I noticed that I was feeling better. After only a few days my energy levels were incredible. Whereas before I would easily have 3 (or sometimes 4) cups of coffee a day, I now rarely have more than 1.

I started viewing food as my fuel instead of my treats. Game changer! Now I crave healthy, good for me foods and  I don’t even have time for the foods I used to eat.

With all the added energy I’m even more active, and thus happier. My hair and skin feel and look healthier. Clothes that have been in the depths of my closet are now things I wear and feel good in!

Taco Cauliflower Rice Skillet Recipe by CleanFoodCrush

Taco Cauliflower Rice Skillet Recipe

I was nervous I wouldn’t have the support I wanted and needed at home but I was pleasantly surprised. In the beginning, my boyfriend would curl his nose after I’d tell him what was for dinner. Slowly, he’d try what I was eating and would comment how good it was or go back for seconds!

If I could share any words of wisdom with someone who’s considering making the choice to commit to themselves with the 30 Day Clean Eating ChallengeI would say trust the process, week 1 in particular.

I was surprised at how much food we eat in the first week and even questioned it. Other diets I have been on over the years lost me quickly because of all the restrictions or rules. This program just made sense to me so I trusted the leaders of the group. After week one I was down 5 pounds (after eating all that food!).

Trust the process… just trust it. You will be amazed at how much you can transform in a short period of time by following the plan. Week 1 for me was key. Clean Eating works!30 Day Clean Eating Challenge


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