
All posts by Rachel Maser

23Dec, 21

Roasted Balsamic + Cheese Green Beans It’s Christmas Eve, Eve and to be completely honest my list of to-dos’ is still pretty large. It seems that no matter how early I try to get things accomplished, the more “things to do” seem to find me…haha…you too?! I’m going to make one last trip to venture Read More!

21Dec, 21

4 Ingredient Chocolate Bark This is a REALLY FUN treat to make with the kids. It’s VERY SIMPLE so kiddos (and their adults) can make something beautifully homemade for the holidays without spending hours in the kitchen. My 14-year-old daughter Sydney loves to toast the quinoa & zest the oranges. I encourage you to get Read More!

19Dec, 21

Air-Fried Brussels Sprouts We’ve been using our air fryer for just about everything lately. Quick, efficient, and we LOVE the crispy crunchy results our air fryer produces. Do you use an air fryer? Easy enough for a quick weeknight dinner or meal prep, yet they’re delicious enough to receive a promotion to your holiday table. Read More!

17Dec, 21

Cranberry Apple Crisp šŸŽ Ohhhh do I have a GOOD one for you today! This Cranberry Apple Crisp must be on your menu this weekend! Your house will smell absolutely delightful while it’s baking, and you’ll warm up those bellies with this sweet (shh…secretly nutritious) in-season dessert! A dollop of coconut cream or high-quality vanilla Read More!

16Dec, 21

CHRISTMAS RECIPES šŸŽ„šŸŽ…šŸ˜‹ HAPPY HOLIDAYS, CRUSHERS! I love this season so much because itā€™s full of fun activities, intimate times with loved ones, and delicious foods. The possibilities for making great meals and even better memories are endless! If youā€™re looking for some easy breakfast meals, creative snacks and appetizers, impressive dinner recipes, or decadent Read More!

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