
All posts in 'Breakfast'

21Dec, 22

Sweet Potato Eggs Benedict Eggs Benedict is an iconic breakfast classic many of us adore. It’s also something we don’t make at home often enough – mostly because it’s intimidating. I’ve kept my version as easy as possible, using ingredients we typically have on hand. I challenge you to make eggs Benedict at home on Read More!

2Dec, 22

Gingerbread Overnight Oats ✨️✨️✨️ These gingerbread overnight oats are an absolute treat! Fresh ginger combined with pumpkin pie spice creates a traditional holiday favorite flavor! Super good & festive too! Tastes like a dessert, with the nutrients and staying power of a meal! Many of you know my obsession with overnight oats started almost ten Read More!

21Nov, 22

Mexican-inspired Frittata Savory Breakfasts are totally my thing. I feel super satisfied and energized afterward. For some reason I’ve noticed if I start my day with a sweet breakfast, I’ll crave more sweets that day and often just want to take a nap after eating. Have you ever noticed something similar? This one is extra Read More!

4Nov, 22

Pumpkin-Whipped Cottage Cheese We’re always on the prowl for NEW healthy desserts and snack ideas, especially when they’re simple and easy to make. Pumpkin Whipped Cottage Cheese delivers pumpkin cheesecake-type flavor PLUS some impressive nutritional benefits. Our pumpkin-whipped cottage cheese is an excellent breakfast or snack idea. It has a delicious pumpkin cheesecake-like flavor and Read More!

26Oct, 22

Easy Shakshuka Something DELICIOUS and easy for our Savory Breakfast Lover’s…well…actually this dish is wonderful for Lunch or Dinnertime as well! Make a batch for Sunday Brunch, or even a quick Dinner this week! Shakshuka is a classic North African and Middle Eastern dish and one that’s enjoyed for breakfast or any meal of the Read More!

17Oct, 22

Parmesan Baked Eggs & Creamy Spinach We’re always looking for new breakfast ideas, as it seems that breakfast is one meal we get in a rut with and lean towards our “usual”. Our Parmesan Baked Eggs & Creamy Spinach are soooo tasty thanks to the freshly grated parmesan cheese and creamed spinach. Something a little Read More!

27Jun, 22

Summer Berry Crumble 🍓🍓🍓 A summertime breakfast, snack, or dessert idea that we ABSOLUTELY LOVE ❤ This Summer Berry Crisp must be on your menu this weekend! Your house will smell absolutely delightful while it’s baking, and you’ll warm up those bellies with this lightly sweetened (shhh…secretly nutritious) in-season treat! A dollop of whipped coconut Read More!

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