I spend a few hours every Sunday prepping for the week.
It’s something I really look forward to.
Coffee, music, chitter chatter with the kids.
The purpose: NOT relying on convenience food-regardless of what happens during the busy week.
■ I no longer use “Almond Breeze”. It contains carrageenan (Google it). “Silk” brand uses non-GMO almonds, & is carrageenan free. There are wonderful organic brands available at health stores-OR make your own.
■ I assemble 8-10 complete meals in containers: chicken breast, organic steamed broccoli/brussels, brown rice…or something similar, so that a nutritious meal is always within reach.
■ Grill or bake a ton of hormone free chicken breasts. (I have 4 kids) Freeze half, place the other half in single baggies for quick meals.
■ I like to bake halibut or salmon while my chicken is on the grill. Fish goes into a large glass sealed container, to be eaten within 48 hours.
■ I boil 4 dozen eggs. This makes mornings easy! Try pre-peeling the shells to make it even simpler! My fam goes through a dozen most days!
■ Green Tea is pre-brewed & refrigerated in a glass sealed container.
■ I rinse berries & store in glass jars (let air dry first). I have found that if the berries/grapes are truly ready to grab & eat, we use them faster. I’m more likely to throw them on oatmeal, or as a snack if they are ready.
■ “Glass Jar Salads” Prep & EAT for 5 days! Ingredients must be dry. Moisture is the enemy. Vinaigrette at the bottom-chopped veggies in the middle/greens on top. Folded paper towel at the very top (before lid) absorbs moisture.
{The Entire Salad-In-A-Jar- Recipe is Available by clicking here}
■ Pre chop or dice celery, cucumber, zucchini, peppers, carrots, green beans, etc. Quick meal prep all week!
■ Sliced lemon wedges-always ready to use, we love lemon on everything!
■ In the freezer you will find: An entire shelf of frozen/peeled bananas (smoothies & banana ice-cream), frozen fruit, frozen grapes for snacks, berries, frozen broccoli, frozen green beans. Frozen precooked shrimp (stir fry in minutes) Frozen cooked & shredded chicken (soup & chicken tacos). Ground lean turkey (precooked). Salmon filets.
Hope this gives you an idea or two! Bring on 20-15!!!
♡ -Rachel
Let’s have some fun!
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It’s the perfect time of the year for this!
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Tags: brown rice, brussels, chicken breast, clean food, clean recipes, cleanfoodcrush fridge, healthy fridge, meal prep, meal prep sunday, organic steamed broccoli, perfect chicken breast, salad in a jar, veggie prep, watermelon