

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
3Aug, 21
Clean Food Love

Meet Kristina Who Lost Over 10 Pounds and 10 Inches In 30 Days!

Hi, Crushers! My name is Kristina and I am a CPA living in MA. I am a corporate accountant and not a tax accountant so unfortunately, I cannot help you with your taxes! 😉 I live in MA with my husband and our two kids. Once upon a time, I was a road trip fanatic and so far, I have visited 38 of the 48 contiguous states (Alaska and Hawaii areas are a bit out of reach!) No more road-tripping these days, but my husband and I love to travel around New England going to concerts. 

I have been following CleanFoodCrush for a year or so now. I started as one of my friends shared a smoothie recipe that looked delicious. I am a bit of a smoothie enthusiast and I like trying new recipes whether sweet or savory. 

I would say I have two obstacles that were causing issues with my healthy eating: time and the right recipes. Even with being home for the last year, I still struggle with finding time for myself. Having two kids is challenging in itself but add in working from home and I often look for foods that are quick and often those are not very nutritious. That leads to the second obstacle… having easy nutritious recipes.  If a recipe is complicated, I typically will not even attempt it unless perhaps it is something that I can make and freeze for later. But that is often not the case and really simple recipes with less than 10 ingredients fit better into my life.  

How I view food as well as how I shop have changed during the Challenge. I do spend a little more time at the market then I used to when buying food but that time allows me to not only make better choices but also alter my plan for the week given what is and what is not available on the day I shop.

I also now make sure that I always have some raw veggies and clean dips (like the Tzatziki dip!) ready-made all the time in case I am hungry. This helps me to not reach for those processed foods that are ready to go. 

I lost 10.5 lbs + 10″ My First 30 days!

And my skin has even improved!!

My favorite recipes are many of the Smoothie Recipes and also the BLT Bowls!

Planning is Your Best Friend!

I do an overall plan of my meals for the week and shop on the same day each week. I stick with 5-7 recipes for my week so that I am able to prep more than one meal at once. I cook on the day that I shop and then also 3-4 days later depending on how my meal plan is set up.

Time is a big obstacle for me so being able to not have to cook every day and to have meals ready to go is very important. If I do not have extra time to shop, I will split my meals between the first half of the week and the second half and then I will shop on two days and cook on those days.

I feel great about my overall health and do not have as many aches and pains as I did before Joining the Challenge.

Changing my mindset allows me to also not feel guilty or disappointed if I have to slip for any reason. I know that I can get back on track with the next meal and just keep moving forward. 

–  Kristina

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