Hi there!
My name is Courtney Brown 🙂
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my story and review of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!
By taking the challenge and learning about Clean Eating, I’ve lost 21 pounds and have more energy than ever before.
I’m 41 years old and I have two kids, 24 and 13 and a granddaughter that is 6 months old. Before I found this lifestyle my biggest struggle was making healthy choices when I ate. I never did food prep and ate out way more than I should. Carbs where my biggest indulgence.
The 30 day challenge has done for me what I never thought possible. I have lost 21 lbs and feel wonderful!
I have more energy and mental clarity than I have ever had and I just feel amazing all around.
I am still trying to get my son on board, he is curious but he hasn’t committed fully yet, but we’re getting there! I share CleanFoodCrush recipes and knowledge with my oldest daughter and she loves them!
She’s starting her own baby out on Clean food. It feels good to know we’re creating new, healthy habits in our family for the future generation.
CleanFoodCrush has taught me how to prepare and eat healthy delicious real food and make healthy choices when dining out.
I also love that we have access to delicious snack ideas that are Clean Eating Friendly like these Cauliflower Buffalo Bites!I would say to anyone who’s not sure what action to take to lose weight or get their energy back: just commit to the plan and trust it and it will work.
I read testimonies for a whole year before I joined my first challenge and I only wish I had done it sooner. This is truly life changing! Once you follow the plan and get in the habit of meal-prepping, Clean Eating becomes second nature.
What I love about the challenge, is that it’s a long-term, sustainable lifestyle you can really LOVE. I didn’t want to simply go on a diet, deprive myself of calories, lose some weight and go right back to my old habits. Eating this way is truly wonderful, and I’m not just improving my health, but the health of my family too!
The accountability and support of the program has been super helpful, especially in the beginning. Billie-Jo and Daisy both took the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge themselves first and now they work with CleanFoodCrush answering our questions and cheering us on daily in the private support groups for members who sign up for the challenge. The community is very supportive, and it’s a great place to ask questions and share your struggles or wins for the day too!
If you’re waiting to make a transformation for your body, health and mind – this is your sign to take action and do it for you. I’m so glad I did 🙂