I’m Joanne, and this is my story 🙂
I decided to do the Clean Food Crush program because I want to be a healthier person.
I’m 68 years young with Afib (atrial fibrillation) and high blood pressure. I always wanted to eat whole clean foods but had no real knowledge or guidelines to do it correctly.
I’m 5’4″ tall and weighed 244 lbs when I started this wonderful program, my health was beginning to deteriorate. My cardiologist was talking about increasing my hypertension meds if I didn’t do something healthy for myself to lose weight. I was short of breath, couldn’t breath properly because my girth was starting to suffocate me. I was starting to tell myself it was ok to become sedentary.
But then, I saw this program on Facebook and wasn’t sure if I wanted to start because I didn’t know if I could do it. Finally a new group was starting on July 11th of 2016 and I decided to go for it because I knew I needed to help myself, but I was scared.
My biggest lessons along the way:
1. I knew nothing of what I thought I did about eating clean Whole Foods.
2. This program is a total learning process that I wanted to know about so that I could finally make it my new lifestyle and be able to live and eat this way for the rest of my life. I learned that healthy eating is not a diet that you reach a goal for and then you’re done. Eating this way really does become a habit and when that happens, you just do it automatically without thinking about it.
3. I also learned that it takes a village to be able to seek help and ask questions and get answers to the information I needed to be successful.
4. And here’s a big one, prepping your meals is key! You must be prepared in order to succeed.
This Was Me On the Right Before I Started Eating Clean
Clean Eating Has Definitely Changed My Life for the Better.
I went through the first week of detox experiencing mild headaches, tiredness, thighs that felt wobbly like jello, some irritability and some times emotional. On the 6th and 7th days of the detox I was definitely ready for more variety on my meals. I was even considering quitting. But I decided it was time to pull up my big girl pants and make it through the last two days of detox and I did it!!
Then an amazing thing happened to me, I started to feel energized, with more energy than I’ve ever had. This Is A Photo Of Me After Losing 56 Pounds!

Here Are My Results:
- I wanted to do things around the house more and I wanted to start walking more.
As I got into weeks 2-4 I started gaining more confidence also. I’ve been a happier, more confident and empowered person. - I am in control of what I put into my body, not the craving controlling me. My cravings vanished.
- The CleanFoodCrush community has inspired me to do and be the best that I can be. In the 6 months that I have been living my new clean food lifestyle, I have lost 56 lbs!
- I’ve gone from 3x and 2x clothing to now wearing x-large clothing. My face and body are becoming smaller. First my family started noticing and then people in the public started noticing. What a great feeling that is!
- My cardiologist told me I’m the amazing incredible shrinking woman and he is proud of my accomplishments. That has really meant a lot to me too. My husband is very supportive and tells me, that’s good, keep up the good work.
- I’m still a work in progress and I need to lose more weight to be the healthiest I can be and I’m confident and know I can continue to do this. 1-2 lbs a week, slow and easy wins the race. 🙂
Rachael Maser’s 30 Day Clean Eating Program Has Saved My Life.
Sugar and processed foods are so harmful to our bodies and it is so important to read labels on everything you buy and bring into your home.
I wish I new this years ago I could possibly have kept myself from being in the state of health that I’m in now. I highly, 100%, recommend this beautiful program. I talk about it to anyone who seems interested enough to listen.
I love helping the new members of this community when I can with their questions. The recipes are fantastic and I love cooking and making them.
Thank you so much to Rachael, Billie Jo, Daisy, Susan and Cory. You all are so helpful and help everyone to learn a new way of eating. Words just don’t convey how I feel about you and the program and what it’s doing for me.
Love, Joanne.
Check this other transformation story of Tammy Hatch