

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
11May, 23
Clean Food Love

Meet Merry, a 69-year-old retiree with a new zest for life and a love for her family.

Meet Merry who joined CleanFoodCrush in March and took part in the April 3rd Challenge.

By the end of the Challenge she lost 11lbs and 8.5 inches!

And she hasn’t looked back since! 🙌

I am retired now after 17 years in the hearing industry and 13 years managing a jewelry store.

I  am 69 years old, married with 2 daughters, fabulous son-in-laws, 5 grandchildren and 2 great-grandbabies!  

February Before The Challenge with Grandson

Fun fact:  I  am a twin, my twin daughters are in heaven, one daughter has twin boys and the other has twin girls!

I love to walk, do yoga, read, knit, go to the beach and of course loving my grandbabies!

Merry’s story is so inspiring because she faced health challenges that made it difficult for her to exercise.

I have exercised all my adult life, but some health issues including a severe auto- immune disease left me with too much pain to exercise.  Thankfully I  have been in remission for years.

I ate all the right food, but also the “bad” food as well.

So between menopause and age, I  ended up with no energy, belly bloat, cravings and tons of stress eating.

With the help of CleanFoodCrush, I was able to find a healthier way of life that suited my body and my lifestyle.

CleanFoodCrush was the best decision I could have made!

I have:

➡️ More energy

➡️ Less belly bloat

➡️ And a new lease on life! 💪

➡️ Nails are better,

➡️ Clothes are starting to fit! 

➡️ Lost 11lbs and 8.5 inches

And with 2 grandkids getting married this year I’m excited to show off the new figure!

After the Challenge With Grandson

🥗With sooooo many recipes to choose from  that are both tasty and healthy it was really hard to choose a favorite.

But my favorites are the overnight oats (which there are a ton to choose from)🍓🥣and the Sweet Potato Hash with Brussel Sprouts 🍠🥦, which I never liked before but love now!

CleanFoodCrush is more than just a set of recipes being shared.

CleanFoodCrush is a community that supports you on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. 🤝

One of the things that spoke to Merry recently is the mantra:


To make a change in your life, you have to make a choice to take a chance.

With CleanFoodCrush, you can do just that!

CleanFoodCrush 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge was the best decision I could have made!


Ready to Get the Tools and Support That Helped Merry Succeed? Come and Join the Challenge!

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