Hormones have everything to do with weight loss. That’s why Clean Eating works so well across the board for so many people. The food you eat, the water and tea you drink and the exercises you practice have a direct impact on your hormones and adrenal glands. Both of which govern your body’s ability to Read More!
20 Ways to Reduce Inflammation and Water Weight Inflammation is what happens in your body when it’s fighting something harmful, such as infections, injuries, and toxins. When something is damaging your cells, your body releases chemicals that trigger a response from your immune system. However, it can be damaging and cause increased water weight. Thankfully, Read More!
Coconut oil has a reputation for being a multi-functional superfood. This highly versatile oil is rich in MCFA’s (medium chain fatty acids), which support heart, brain, immune and metabolic health. It has been compared to breast milk in its ability to improve immune function, because it contains lauric acid and an array of vitamins and Read More!
Sauerkraut, yogurt, kombucha, and kefir. What do all of these items have in common? They’re full of the good bacteria called probiotics. You may have heard this term used before, considering probiotics are the hot new trend now, but what are they exactly? With a market value of $35 billion in 2015 (1), probiotics have Read More!
We know that inflammation in our bodies not only causes us discomfort and pain, but it can also directly influence our ability to shed excess weight. Inflammation blocks important brain messages that tell the body to suppress our appetite and speed up our metabolism. But when we’re eating a healthy diet that reduces inflammation, we Read More!
As more and more antibiotics are becoming far less effective due to the growing number of “superbugs” resistant to them, it’s exciting to learn about and use what nature has provided for us to combat illness. Your body’s first line of defense is it’s own immune system, but sometimes it needs some help in the fight. Read More!
7 Foods for Speedy Cold Recovery Suffering from a cold is uncomfortable and inconvenient, but sometimes it’s a necessary “system upgrade,” so to speak. If you’ve got young ones at home, you’ve probably already learned that avoiding a cold or flu from time to time is nearly impossible. Little humans are building their immune systems, and Read More!
Inflammation sounds scary, but it’s actually your body’s way of telling you that it is fighting an infection. However, inflammation is not always a good thing. An inflammation comes with physical manifestations that can affect how you go about your daily tasks. It can cause redness, swelling, possible fevers, and pain. And when it becomes Read More!
In the evolving world of nutrition, carbohydrates seem to be branded as the “bad guys.” In many programs, carbs are considered one of the primary culprits of weight gain, and are more often than not, reduced to a very bare minimum or eliminated. However, carbohydrates play an essential role in our body’s energy-building processes. Whether you Read More!
“Studies tend to show that in terms of weight loss, diet plays a much bigger role than exercise,” Philip Stanforth, professor of exercise science at the University of Texas. Here’s a very common scenario: Someone (let’s call her Judy) sets a goal to reach a certain weight within a particular time frame. Judy gets ready with Read More!