Cleanest, Easiest, Yummiest, Peanut Butter Cookies Keep plenty of these in the freezer! They taste great frozen. Sometimes I even serve them warm, along side a scoop of banana “ice cream” (frozen chopped bananas, blended until ice cream consistency) PB COOKIE RECIPE: {Preheat oven to 350 degrees f} Instructions: 1 banana mashed very well (use Read More!
I spend a few hours every Sunday prepping for the week. It’s something I really look forward to. Coffee, music, chitter chatter with the kids. The purpose: NOT relying on convenience food-regardless of what happens during the busy week. ■ I no longer use “Almond Breeze”. It contains carrageenan (Google it). “Silk” brand uses non-GMO Read More!
Peanut Butter Cup Protein “Ice Cream” Makes 4 Servings Ingredients: 2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder 1 Tbs unsweetend cacao powder 6 Tbsp unsweetend almond milk 4 Tbs all natural Peanut Butter or Almond Butter 4 medium frozen chopped bananas Instructions: Combine in small bowl: Protein powder, cacao powder, & almond milk. Mix with a spoon Read More!
Fall Recipe Round Up! – 10 Clean Fun Favorites for Halloween Halloween is one of my favorite days of the year. The excitement, and anticipation leading up to the big day, parties, traditions, and great FOOD! My kind of FUN! I have compiled a collection of CLEAN Fall recipes that are simple, and healthy. Pin on Read More!
Fruit & Chocolate Stacks – Strawberry, Peanut Butter, Banana – After School Snacks After School Snacks! These are fun! Ingredients: Strawberries & Bananas Peanut Butter Lily’s brand dark chocolate sweetened with stevia Instructions: I quickly sliced Strawberries & Bananas. Added little bit of Peanut Butter in between. Carefully placed the little stacks on lollipop sticks. Read More!