I have felt a VERY strong push to tell my story to others, because it gives us ALL the power to realize that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE, and what we tell ourselves TODAY is what really matters – NOT WHERE we were yesterday! MY STORY. My REAL story. Not the shiny, pretty clean food, healthy kids, Read More!

Health food enthusiasts rave about its amazing properties. It has carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Honey offers such a wide variety of benefits that it’s been dubbed as ‘liquid gold’ – a salute to its color and the many treasures it holds as a health food. Here’s a quick list of why honey should Read More!

We are always in search of something that will improve our health and well-being. It can be something we can do, somewhere we can go to, something we can apply or put on, or better yet, something we can eat. Among the many natural options that has seen a ‘revival’ in health circles nowadays is Read More!

Clean Eating Transformation – Daisy Heinrich “I started this journey about 4 years ago in 2011, trying to lose weight. I put on a lot after my mom passed, I weighed 189 pounds at 5 ft 4 in. wearing a size 12 pants and large shirt, I have never weighed that much or ever been Read More!

Five Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar You may have heard about this ‘wonder liquid’ before, and all the benefits it offers may seem too good to be true. Well the truth is, it really is worth all the fanfare! Here are its most common benefits that fitness enthusiasts, health buffs, and everyday people have come Read More!

1 Week of Green Smoothie Prep Packs 7 Days of Pre-made, drop into the blender-Green Morning Smoothies! ➡️ Have you ever heard of batching? Batching is: doing a bunch of similar tasks all at once! When we get in our “groove” with a single task we become more efficient. Instead of spending 10 minutes EACH Read More!

No-Bake Raspberry Chocolate Protein Balls Kid-approved After School snacks! 🙌 😍 😋 Keep these in the freezer for quick energy! Have you tried freeze-dried raspberries? I love to use them in these protein balls! Yield approx. 22 balls Ingredients: 3/4 cup all natural peanut/almond butter 1 cup uncooked (dry) rolled oats 1/3 cup raw honey Read More!

Green Smoothie Prep Packets 2 Weeks of Pre-made, drop into the blender Green Morning Smoothies for your family! ➡️ Have you ever heard of batching? Batching is: Doing a bunch of similar tasks all at once. When we get in our “groove” with a single task we become more efficient. Instead of spending 10 minutes Read More!

Simple, Fun, Clean Snack Ideas No relying on processed snacks when you have these in your kitchen arsenal! When you have kids, (or 4 of them 😀 ) it helps to keep the snacks simple, fun and YUMMY. With the right recipes and ideas you can keep the packaged stuff away as often as Read More!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake & My Clean Green and Lean Smoothie Formula Quick and tasty energy to fuel your workout or your day! Serves 1 Ingredients 1 scoops whey protein in chocolate 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk, or cashew milk 1 banana (Frozen bananas are Good here!) 2 tablespoons peanut butter 3-5 Read More!