Tex-Mex Style Breakfast Casserole We LOVE breakfast casseroles especially during holiday weekends when the house is packed with guests. Make it Tex-Mex Style where they can add toppings and my family is thrilled! Everyone is going to wake up hungry, so why not make your job easier!?! Pull this beauty out of the oven, top Read More!
Mediterranean Inspired Quinoa Salad Keeping things SUPER SIMPLE because SIMPLE is often best! You’ll want to make this salad all summer because it’s just so good! Easy and beautiful for serving at all of your parties and BBQ’S – this one always is the first to be eaten! We LOVE chopped veggie salads at our Read More!
Rachel’s Favorite Green Pancakes Happy Spring 🌷 & Happy Earth Month 🌏CRUSHers! While we’re still receiving record amounts of snow here in SLC, I know that green grass and flowers are on the horizon…I hope 😫 These bright green pancakes make me smile and they’re also a reminder that brighter, greener days of spring and Read More!
Green Veggie & Chicken Meal Prep Bowls Perfectly balanced GREEN power bowls just in time to liven up your spring meal prep game! Juicy chicken breasts seared to golden brown perfection alongside steamed asparagus and broccoli finished with a big dollop of homemade tangy yogurt dressing. Sometimes we just need to see some beautiful inspiration Read More!
Healthy Spring Foods and How to Use Them To welcome Spring, I decided to go through some delicious fruits and vegetables that are at their BEST during these months. Eating seasonal produce ensures that you’ll get the freshest, tastiest, and most nutritious fruits and veggies because they’ve been allowed to ripen naturally. Produce that is Read More!
Ranch Deviled Eggs An indisputable fact of living in a house of 6 young adults and older teenagers Ranch flavored ANYTHING is quickly devoured and ALWAYS very appreciated. Tangy cool herby ranch flavors are an incredible combo and a super fun spin on your deviled eggs – just in time for Easter! Make these for Read More!
Blueberry Lemon Power Bites 🫐🍋 These lil’ power bites are a refreshing spring + summer version of our favorite homemade snack – the energy ball! Bright lemon flavor combined with dried blueberries reminiscent of a summertime cobbler or pie. Keep a fresh batch in the fridge and watch your family reach for these healthy homemade Read More!
Sheet Pan Lemon Pepper Chicken + Veggies Fiercely DELICIOUS UTRA-FLAVORFUL One-Sheet Pan Magic happening right here. Great for an easy weeknight dinner, also EXCELLENT for weekly Meal Prep! Less than 30 minutes and your nutritious meal is ready. We coated the chicken pieces in bright tangy seasonings and lemon zest, which adds SO MUCH SASS Read More!
Quick N’ Tasty Tomato + Egg Rings 🍅 Recipes don’t get much simpler than this! We could really use more simplicity and ease in our lives these days – don’t you think? The best part is thanks to the perfect ingredients and beautifully ripe tomatoes, it still felt very complex and indulgent – incredibly satisfying Read More!
13 of our Favorite Pie Recipes Pie is a fantastic dish to get creative with in the kitchen. It’s also a classic Holiday dessert, and I don’t know about you, but sometimes I want to indulge in this treat at other times of the year! Thankfully, you can do so without feeling overloaded with sugar Read More!