
Search Results for: protein

26Feb, 24

Jalapeno Avocado Hummus Spring & Summer Entertaining Season :::Loading Now::: Did you know? In folklore tales, hummus is described as one of the oldest known prepared foods. Avocado Hummus is a delicious and creative spin on our traditional hummus recipe: Loaded Roasted Garlic Hummus – Greek Style For all of your warm-weather get-togethers, BBQs, and Read More!

8Feb, 24

Valentine’s Day Desserts January went by in a blink, and now Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, bringing date nights, evenings with the ladies, and grocery store aisles bursting with flowers and chocolate. There is very little out there as tempting as chocolate, and it’s more difficult to avoid over-indulging when it seems to be there Read More!

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