Where did the time go!? Easter snuck up on us this year!
Our family is getting excited for SPRING!
Here are some Fun, creative and healthy ideas for a Happy Easter! 
Tag me @CleanFoodCrush with your creations 
1. Make these Healthy Chocolate Yogurt Filled Easter Eggs with the kiddo’s and enjoy! Or prep ahead and surprise them 🙂 They are easier to make than they look – promise!
2. Peanut butter lovers in the house!? Me too! Make these Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Easter Eggs. These creative little eggs are the perfect sweet treat when you want to practice Clean Eating without missing out on the fun!
In a rush or don’t have time to DIY!? I’ve got you covered! Here are a few organic candy’s and crafty items you can order from Amazon
3. A little extra something to put in the Easter basket that isn’t candy! Kangaroo Dough Eggs are all the rage with the little ones 😉
4. This is a “Bunny James Easter Basket” stocked with an assortment of organic healthy cookies, snacks and bars. Something like this would work perfectly for a treasure hunt!
5. YumEarth is always a great option to fall back on when you don’t want your kids to be excluded from the fun, but you want to avoid all the dyes and sugars too! Try their assortment of Organic Easter Candy in your baskets this year.
6. Something a little different and super yummy 🙂 Coconut Milk Caramels are dairy-free, gluten-free and made with quality ingredients. A good option if there’s a little one with allergies.