
All posts tagged 'valentine day clean eats'

13Feb, 21

Valentine’s Oatmeal Pancakes ❤❤❤ Oatmeal in the form of beautiful homemade heart-shaped 🥞 pancakes for your weekend! A Super Simple, REAL Food recipe…and they are beyond Delectable! Oatmeal is a COMPLEX carbohydrate, that our bodies use VERY well for sustainable energy. If your current goal is weight loss and/or overall health, try eating MORE COMPLEX Read More!

12Feb, 21

Valentine’s Day Stuffed Peppers ❤❤❤ Festive, FUN, Flavorful, & filled with delicious fresh herbs and veggies! I like to call these types of projects a “food craft” because they’re really fun to make together as a family! Valentine’s Day Stuffed Peppers are quite tasty with a perfect blend of seasonings & fresh herbs. Feel free Read More!

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