
Search Results for: Breakfast fruit yogurt bake

27Aug, 20

We’ve all heard the saying, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Have you ever wondered why people say that? (Actually, that specific saying started as a clever marketing tactic for Kellogg breakfast cereals). Fascinating advertisement history aside, a healthy breakfast is incredibly important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A clean breakfast is Read More!

15Sep, 14

Breakfast or Dessert Pizza-Cookie: {PizOoKie} Very FUN & SIMPLE First day of school breakfast idea! 1 serving Ingredients: 1/2 cup dry oatmeal 2 tablespoons almond flour 4 tablespoons mashed banana (1 medium banana) Sweetner is optional: pinch stevia, 1 tsp raw honey, or 1 tsp agave. OPTIONAL add ins: 1 Tbs flaxseeds, 1 Tbs cacao Read More!

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