
Search Results for: sore throat

25Apr, 24

Getting Through Allergy Season Spring, specifically March through May, is often the worst time of year for those of us with seasonal allergies. The pollen count is high, the grass is growing, and trees are blooming, which all cause your body to overreact and try to clear your body from these foreign substances it mistakes Read More!

7Oct, 21

Why Soup is Great + 10 of Our FAVES With cold weather approaching and Holidays around every corner, I find myself breaking out the largest pots in my kitchen to make one of my favorite foods: SOUP.  I genuinely don’t think you can eat too much soup, and honestly, many of us could be enjoying Read More!

22Jul, 21

6 Uses and Benefits of Raw Honey When trying to be healthier and eat clean, it may be tempting to avoid everything with sugar. While the intention behind this is good because sugar is mainly associated with processed drinks and desserts that can quickly become addictive, it’s not always accurate. Natural sugar exists in many Read More!

17Jun, 21

6 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar One of the most popular grocery “staples” is apple cider vinegar. If you asked a dozen people what they mostly use it for, I’m sure you’d get multiple different answers! It’s a popular home remedy that people have used for centuries in cooking, cleaning, medicine, and other DIY projects.  Read More!

8Dec, 16

7 Foods for Speedy Cold Recovery Suffering from a cold is uncomfortable and inconvenient, but sometimes it’s a necessary “system upgrade,” so to speak. If you’ve got young ones at home, you’ve probably already learned that avoiding a cold or flu from time to time is nearly impossible. Little humans are building their immune systems, and Read More!

25May, 16

“Studies tend to show that in terms of weight loss, diet plays a much bigger role than exercise,” Philip Stanforth, professor of exercise science at the University of Texas. Here’s a very common scenario: Someone (let’s call her Judy) sets a goal to reach a certain weight within a particular time frame. Judy gets ready with Read More!

25Mar, 16

Health food enthusiasts rave about its amazing properties. It has carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Honey offers such a wide variety of benefits that it’s been dubbed as ‘liquid gold’ – a salute to its color and the many treasures it holds as a health food. Here’s a quick list of why honey should Read More!

12Aug, 21

HOUSEPLANTS AND THEIR HEALTH BENEFITS Did you know your environment can have a huge impact on your well-being? Cleanliness, organization, the right temperature, decorations, and yes, even indoor gardening can have powerful effects on your mental and physical health. Houseplants can improve your health by boosting your mood and productivity, helping your immune system, providing Read More!

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