

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
23Feb, 21
Clean Food Love

Meet Debbie, Who Lost 27 Pounds in Six Months With CleanFoodCrush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

Hi!  My name is Debbie.  My friends call me Dee.  I’m 48 years old.  I’m a wife and a Mom of three.  I work full-time in sales.  I had a host of health issues after a really tough twin pregnancy and being diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  I gained a lot of weight and was eventually diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.  I was in a very bad place, felt hopeless, and didn’t know how to get myself out of the situation I was in.  

I found CleanFoodCrush on Facebook and I tried a few recipes and loved them.  I finally decided to join a challenge in August of 2020.  I have since lost 27 pounds in six months.   

Before starting Clean Eating, I wasn’t eating quality, nutritional, organic food.  I wasn’t reading labels or making the best choices.  I would limit my portions and sometimes felt really hungry.  I did manage to lose about 12 pounds the previous year, but I didn’t feel healthy or have much energy for exercising.

My favorite recipes are the Fast Chicken Taco Lettuce Wraps and No Bake Energy Balls

Taking part in the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge taught me when to eat, what I should be eating, and proper portion sizes. 

The support online was so positive and helpful.  It made me stay accountable and motivated.  Not only have I lost more than double the weight in half the time of me trying to do it on my own, but my A1C is down from 8.4 to 6.4. I have stopped taking my weekly injection for diabetes, lowered my Metformin by half, avoided taking blood pressure medicine as my blood pressure is now 122/74. My doctor told me she thinks if I continue to lose weight, I may be able to stop taking Metformin altogether!

I have so much energy now because my body is getting the nutrients it needs. 

I work out every single day!  I have also increased my water intake and drink half a gallon each day.

For anyone on the fence, I say to go for it!  The guidance and support are top-notch.  The recipes are delicious! 

To Rachel and the team – Thank you so much for all your support.  I love being part of our group surrounding myself with positive people who are wanting to better their health and wellness.  It’s been my support system since August 2020.

– Debbie

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