

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
16Feb, 21
Clean Food Love

Meet Erin, Who Lost Over 19 Pounds During the CleanFoodCrush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

Hi! I’m Erin. I’m 47, married to a supportive husband, and mother of two young adult children. For fun, I love to garden (mostly vegetables and butterfly flowers) and of course playing with my 4-year-old granddaughter. I’m also an avid reader. I love getting lost in a good story. I’m also co-raising my 4-year-old granddaughter. I was a hotel general manager, but due to Covid, the hotels are closed, so now I’m furloughed.

I gained more than the COVID 20 pounds.

During the 4 weeks of the Challenge, I lost 19.2 pounds.

My greatest struggles before joining the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge was being an emotional eater. I eat when I’m sad and I eat when I’m bored or worried. So basically, it was my mindless eating and no portion control or will power.

My 30 Day Results:

  • I lost over 19 pounds
  • I feel so much better
  • No more inflammation
  • No more aches and pains
  • I know this is TMI but I had chronic constipation -not anymore! My bowels are finally regular and happy!!

I didn’t lose a lot of weight the first week like everyone else but I continued on the plan and lost more each week.

One of my favorite recipes from the blog is the  Orange Chicken.

Words of wisdom for anyone planning to join:  Remain faithful to the plan.

Taste the food. Sit and enjoy each bite. The recipes are so good! They help you be mindful.

💕 Erin

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