

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
11May, 21
Clean Food Love

Meet Jeannine, Who Lost 50 Pounds in Six Months with CleanFoodCrush!

My name is Jeannine and I’m 38 years old. My household consists of just me and my husband. I work in digital marketing and when I’m not working, my husband and I love to travel, go to concerts, and spend time with friends.

Prior to the Challenge, I would deal with my stress by eating, and I would eat mindlessly. Worse than that, I was eating high-calorie foods that weren’t satisfying.

I had tried lots of unsustainable diets in the past but always gained the weight back. CleanFoodCrush and the 30 Day Eating Challenge taught me how to be more mindful of the foods that I am eating, and get more enjoyment out of my meals. It also really helped me with my hydration. I’m pretty sure that I used to snack when in reality, I was just thirsty.

The recipes are amazing and there is enough variety to suit all different tastes and preferences without getting bored.

We have both struggled with our weight but decided to get serious after our last junk-food heavy vacation last Sept. I joined the Oct 2020 challenge (and did Nov as well).

I lost 13 pounds in my first 30 days and knew this was what I needed to get back on the right path. While I haven’t been perfect, I have made a total mindset change and don’t let a slip-up ruin me.

Due to my mindset shift, I have lost 50 pounds since Oct 1 (6 months later). Even though he is not officially following the same plans as me, my husband eats the CFC recipes and other healthy dinners that I prepare and he has lost over 30 pounds as well.

My 2 favorite recipes are One Pan Honey + Garlic Sausage Veggies  (I think we eat this once a week. It’s such an easy weeknight meal. It comes together so quickly with simple delicious ingredients but packs a ton of flavor) and  Red Thai Curry. The Thai Curry one is a great example of a meal that features complex carbohydrates. I’ve learned that carbs are not the enemy, I just need to choose the right ones. This is so flavorful and totally hits the spot when I am craving Thai food.

My words of wisdom for anyone planning to join are to set small goals and be patient with yourself. In the beginning, I just focused on eating vegetables with every meal and drinking more water.

It’s amazing what an impact something as seemingly small as that can have over a long period of time.


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