Did you know that you can eat your way to losing weight? It’s true! While crash diets may work for a short period of time, they can seriously mess with your metabolism and lead you down a dangerous path. Clean Eating is an alternative way to shed the extra pounds while also improving your health, Read More!
Hey there 🙂 My name is Beth, and I am a 47-year-old wife and Mom to a 20 yr old daughter in college and a 14-year-old son who is in middle school. I was recently invited to share my journey with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, and I said yes! It’s an honor to Read More!
I’m constantly asked WHY I believe so strongly in food prepping. “How do you eat the same thing day after day?” “Do you eat it cold?” “How does it taste the next day?” “I could never do that” Guys, I don’t SURVIVE on prepped ahead meals alone, I DO try to make something fresh each Read More!
Hello there! We’re Chris and Ed, we’re 47 and 51 years old and recently each lost 46 pounds with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. After transforming our health, we’re excited to share our story. Hopefully, it will inspire someone out there (maybe even you) to make a positive change! But first, here’s a little Read More!
Clean Eating is a guaranteed way to lose weight that works long-term. While massive calorie restriction may work for some, it’s never sustainable over a lifetime and often leads to more weight gain after the diet ends. Calorie restriction and fad diets often mess up your metabolism, leading to an even harder time shedding the Read More!
We know that inflammation in our bodies not only causes us discomfort and pain, but it can also directly influence our ability to shed excess weight. Inflammation blocks important brain messages that tell the body to suppress our appetite and speed up our metabolism. But when we’re eating a healthy diet that reduces inflammation, we Read More!
1. Start Your Morning Off Hydrated While you sleep, you’re losing water. If you wake up and hit the coffee first thing, chances are you won’t find yourself hydrated at all for the rest of the day unless you make a real effort. Water first thing in the morning kick-starts your digestive system, gets your Read More!
“Studies tend to show that in terms of weight loss, diet plays a much bigger role than exercise,” Philip Stanforth, professor of exercise science at the University of Texas. Here’s a very common scenario: Someone (let’s call her Judy) sets a goal to reach a certain weight within a particular time frame. Judy gets ready with Read More!