
Search Results for: breakfast

10Sep, 20

PB & J Energy Bites đŸ„œđŸ“đŸŻ YUM. If you’re lookin’ for snacks to keep around for the kiddos, or quick grab-n-go workout fuel – HERE YA GO! We LOVE these types of energy bites at our house! They’re incredibly simple to make (even the kids can learn to easily throw them together, and add THEIR Read More!

31Aug, 20

Tropical Smoothie Bowls Take a few minutes to sit down and enjoy a beautiful breakfast! Our Tropical Smoothie Bowls are loaded with nutrients including a good dose of immunity boosting vitamin C, beneficial natural enzymes and fiber! Besides being completely DELICIOUS, fresh and frozen tropical fruit is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and other helpful compounds, Read More!

13Aug, 20

You have likely heard that calcium is vital for your health. If you’re like most people, you probably think of foods such as milk and cheese when thinking of calcium, and you may believe that dairy products are the only way to meet your body’s calcium needs. However, if you aren’t aware of other food Read More!

10Aug, 20

No-Bake Energy Balls We LOVE these types of energy bites at our house! They’re incredibly simple to make (even the kids can learn to easily throw them together, and add THEIR own favorite things)! EXCELLENT post-workout fuel, and great for just a quick snack, or even a quick breakfast in a hurry! These types of Read More!

25Jun, 20

If you’ve ever struggled to get good sleep, you’re certainly not alone. It is estimated that about 68% of American’s struggle with sleep at least once per week, and about 1 in 3 American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. Sadly, these numbers are on the rise.  Clearly, there is a Read More!

21May, 20

What do you think of when you hear the word “protein”? Most people would say something like steak, chicken, or pork. While these are all good sources of protein, meats include just a fraction of where protein is found in the food supply.  Sometimes meat-based protein sources can be harder to find (like in the Read More!

1May, 20

Quick + Easy Fruit Salad This fruit salad just feels like a bowl of much needed sunshine right now. How about a BIG BRIGHT Fruit Salad to start the New Week?!! Whether it’s Breakfast, Snack, or Dessert…fruit is an EXCELLENT choice. Fruit is “nature’s candy” and besides being delicious, it has MANY nutritional benefits! Fruit Read More!

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