Black Bean Brownies Our all-time Family FAVORITE Black Bean Brownie recipe. The kids, teenagers, and the men in our house, all COMPLETELY devour these when I bake them – which really says A LOT for healthier brownies! ➡️ Cacao vs. Cocoa Although they are both completely interchangeable in recipes, they are each processed differently. Read More!
Crockpot Chicken Tortilla Soup I use my crockpot year-round because I find it SO convenient to throw a few ingredients together in the morning when I’m full of energy, then have a meal ready-to-eat whenever we’re ready for it, in the afternoon or evening…no matter how drained I’m feeling later or what the day happens Read More!
Easy Corn Salsa Pretty soon we’ll have corn coming out of our EARS here in Utah! Let’s make SALSA! This super easy recipe is MAJOR YUM! In case you *need* an excuse to have a little PaRtY in your kitchen this weekend! This salsa is darn tasty, simple to make, and a total crowd pleaser! Read More!
Quick + Easy Avocado Hummus I remember a few months ago there was a meme floating around social media: “Guacamole OR Hummus? Choose ONE.” I thought hmm… this is a ridiculous question, a girl *NEEDS* options, so I decided to create THE PERFECT solution for people who just don’t wanna choose, lol. We want it Read More!
Nut Butter Chocolate Chip Energy Balls These little energy balls are super satisfying! Try making them using different nut-butters such as cashew butter, almond butter, or peanut butter. No-bake, and just 10 minutes of hands-on time to make! This is a fun recipe to make with the kids. Perfect for a quick snack or after Read More!
Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Eggs This was a FUN little Easter project that turned way out better than I had hoped! I LOVE making desserts and “candies” for holiday celebrations at home, because it’s a SUPER FUN project, and I know EXACTLY what ingredients go into them. Take a bit of time to create some holiday Read More!
Rachel’s Creamy Avocado Dip A creamy spin on its popular cousin: Guacamole. Creamier than guacamole with a bit more tang, but JUST. AS. CRAVE worthy…in a different way, ya know?! Dip some chips (I love Jackson’s Honest brand) or dip chopped veggie sticks, either way, you’re going to need to quickly make a second batch, Read More!
Mexican Bean Dip In case you *need* an excuse to have a little PaRtY in your kitchen tonight! This dip is pretty darn tasty, simple to make, and a total crowd pleaser! Our Mexican Bean Dip is a QUICK recipe, that REALLY delivers on flavor, thanks to the mixture of dark and light beans, combined Read More!
PB Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins Make today a Baking Day! PB Chocolate Chip muffins are great for snacks or a quick breakfast on the go! These muffins are already receiving RAVE REVIEWS from our CFC community, so be sure to make them ASAP! Who LOVES Peanut Butter!? Always search for NON-hydrogenated oils in the ingredients Read More!
It’s Game Time Season again! This is an opportunity for you to introduce your friends and family to FUN, Creative and CLEAN recipes in a party setting 🙂 Trust me, when it comes to eating healthy, there’s no better way for people to see what’s possible than to try new mouth-watering recipes they actually enjoy! Read More!