
Search Results for: energy

1Jul, 21

4th of July Recipe Ideas HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! (To all of our American CRUSHers out there) And happy fun weekend to everyone else!Ā  I personally absolutely love the summer. You get to spend so much time outside and with your friends, break out the grill, and enjoy some refreshing snacks and drinks. Not to Read More!

24Jun, 21

Healthy Eating Survival Tips When Traveling With summer just around the corner, you might be planning to head out of town. Traveling will inevitably cause some changes to your regular eating habits, but it doesnā€™t have to mean you completely stray off course. So whether it’s a road trip, business trip, or another type of Read More!

23Jun, 21

Avocado Pina Coladas šŸ„‘šŸšŸ¹ Creamy Frosty Icey Cold Pina Coladas are a Summertime must-make! As I mentioned last week, I’m personally cutting back on alcohol this summer because I have some big fitness goals that will greatly benefit from waking up each and every morning with lots of energy and a clear mind. I’m sharing Read More!

3Jun, 21

Guide to Getting Outside This Summer How many ā€œIā€™m ready for summer and warmer weatherā€ posts have you seen? I know my feed is full of them year-round, and for a good reason! Since childhood, summer is often synonymous with fun, especially if you had the summer off school and got to spend your time Read More!

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