Thank you for sharing your story with us today! Start by telling us a bit about yourself: Hi! It’s my pleasure 🙂 I’m Heather, a 38-year-old mom of 3 daughters. I work as a custodian at our local college as well as a Pure Romance consultant. When I’m not working I love to take walks Read More!
Okay, so you might have overindulged yesterday…♀️ Sometimes feeling yucky when we wake up is part of the process. It’s all about how we LEARN from it! It’s super important to remember that “falling off the wagon” for a day doesn’t have to mean your weight loss progress is over. What matters is that you Read More!
Snacking can serve as a boost throughout the day, being both a source of comfort and an energy boost, however, there can be a lot of confusion about how to snack in a healthy way. Bad snacking habits can lead to overeating and weight gain, whereas smart snacking habits can help us lose weight! We Read More!
Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats Raise your hand (okay…just leave a comment below) if you’re joining me in eating Pumpkin Everything these next few months. #PumpkinEverything Pumpkin is super filling and satisfying, thanks to its high fiber content, but it’s also low-calorie. So, it’ll fill you up, with plenty of nutrients = energy fuel! Pumpkin also Read More!
Weight loss is difficult. Not because our bodies don’t know how to lose weight, but because we often lack the proper routine and structure to create an environment where they feel safe to do so. There are a few major players when it comes to setting yourself up for weight loss. Here are 7 reasons Read More!
My name is Lori Donahue and I am 57 years old currently working as a bookkeeper. I was previously married for 26 years and homeschooled our four children for 18 years and also helped my husband with his business. After that marriage ended in divorce, my world was turned upside down as I needed to Read More!
Hey there! My name is Jill and I’m 41, married and recently lost weight with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. This is my review and transformation story 🙂 In my free time, I like to cook, spend time with my husband and family and go on mini excursions and adventures on the weekends with Read More!
It’s that time again! We’re officially in the frenzy of the back-to-school rush and my house is buzzing with energy! There are a few things I do every year to make sure that I not only survive but THRIVE in this part of the season. You don’t need any added stress, so follow my 6 Read More!
Hey there! My name is Locki. I’m a 53-year-old mother of three military veterans, retired police officer and wife of a police officer. I lost 16 pounds with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge and this is my story. Throughout my life, I’ve struggled with weight issues. I was trapped in a vicious cycle of Read More!
We interviewed Elaine, one of our Clean Eating Challengers on her experience with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. Here is how she lost weight and transformed her life with the program! Hi there! Thanks for sharing your experience with us today. Tell us a bit about yourself. Hi there! I’m happy to share 🙂 Read More!