Crustless Pumpkin Pie 🍂🍁🍃 First off, let me be clear that we’ve got nothing against pie crusts. In fact, we love a really good homemade pie crust. This crustless pumpkin pie is an EXCELLENT idea for those needing a gluten-free dessert, those saving their carbs for an extra serving of mashed potatoes 😉 OR simply Read More!
Creamy Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats I love pumpkin. A lot. Maybe quite a bit more than most people in my family 😅 I buy canned pumpkin in bulk when I spot a GOOD sale, so I always have a lot of pumpkin puree in the pantry. Pumpkin has many different uses, from creating cozy morning Read More!
Fall Self-Care Tips on a Dime Maintaining a full, healthy lifestyle means taking care of your mental health as well. One of the biggest reasons mental health is ignored is time and energy because adopting a self-care routine can seem overwhelming. The practice is essential but often gets forgotten with the busyness of life during Read More!
How to Cook Quinoa + BONUS Week ONE Challenge Approved Quinoa Salad Have you tried cooking Quinoa in the past and found that you didn’t really like it? You’re not alone! This is something I hear often. I’ve put some tips and tricks together to change this! Quinoa is so incredibly great for us, and Read More!
Chickpea Soup with Turkey Meatballs Loaded with bright flavors and crave-worthy homemade meatballs, this soup is every bit as delicious as it is good for you. Hearty meatballs, flavorful veggies, fiber-packed creamy chickpeas, and a touch of freshly squeezed lemon juice + zest to keep it bright! Ground turkey was on sale this past week, Read More!
Creamy Chicken + Broccoli Casserole 🥦 A Family Favorite {ULTRA Comforting} Dinner idea! After a rainy 🌧 few weeks here in SLC we’re feeling some major fall weather vibes! Mornings and evenings are very cool hoodie & sweater weather around here now, so a hearty bubbly-hot, creamy, cheesy, and decadent meal is exactly what we Read More!
All About Sweet Potatoes + 21 Delicious Recipes Sweet potatoes are starchy root vegetables with a sweet taste (obviously) that are grown worldwide. But fun fact: sweet potatoes actually aren’t potatoes at all! They’re not yams, either, but they are a part of the morning glory family. Whatever they’re scientifically classified as, the fact remains Read More!
Quick One-Pan Garlic Shrimp with Quinoa I absolutely adore One-Pan meals! Simple prep and quick clean-up! ✔️ Ahhh….there is nothing better than a super Tasty, satisfying, QUICK, One-Pan Skillet meal on a busy weeknight! Quick Clean-Up to the rescue! Our Quick One-Pan Garlic Shrimp with Quinoa is REALLY tasty thanks to the garlic & lemon Read More!
Terry’s Transformation: How Clean Food Crush Revitalized My Life at 65 Today we have an amazing grandmother who’s sharing her powerful story of transformation with the CleanFoodCrush 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge. Hi there, I’m Terry, and I’m excited to share my personal journey of transformation with you. At 65 years young, I’ve experienced quite a Read More!
Quick and Easy Lunch Bowl Recipes We LOVE quick meal ideas over here! A huge request during this back-to-school (or office) season is lunchbox ideas to easily tuck into backpacks or purses that’ll stay good for a few hours until lunchtime. Many of these are cold meals that don’t require reheating, but some would be Read More!