“Studies tend to show that in terms of weight loss, diet plays a much bigger role than exercise,” Philip Stanforth, professor of exercise science at the University of Texas. Here’s a very common scenario: Someone (let’s call her Judy) sets a goal to reach a certain weight within a particular time frame. Judy gets ready with Read More!
For most people, finding the best clean eating items in the grocery is as simple as following a shopping list. But, cooking can be another challenge altogether. If you’re eating clean, it is important to know how to benefit most from your fresh produce and pantry goodies by using healthy cooking methods. You’ll be surprised – Read More!
Sugar, in all its forms, is not an illegal drug. But, you can definitely consider refined and processed sugar ‘toxic’ to a certain degree. Think about it: When you don’t get your dose of sugar in a day, you feel anxious and uncomfortable. Your energy level hits rockbottom when you don’t get your ‘required dose’. It makes you Read More!
Inflammation in your body means your immune system is fighting off an intense battle against microbes, chemicals, and other foreign bodies that it recognizes as ‘harmful.” Redness and swelling may develop, and you may experience pain, fever, a loss of appetite, and headaches among many other symptoms. When it constantly recurs, inflammation can lead to Read More!
Clean Eating Transformation – Daisy Heinrich “I started this journey about 4 years ago in 2011, trying to lose weight. I put on a lot after my mom passed, I weighed 189 pounds at 5 ft 4 in. wearing a size 12 pants and large shirt, I have never weighed that much or ever been Read More!
Food Prep Sunday needed to happen! It does take 2-3 hours to complete, BUT the entire week ahead is 10x easier! Put on some music, have the kids help, after a few weeks you’ll be a PRO! This week: I made a large batch of White Chicken Chili that will be great for 3 meals. Read More!
Say Goodbye to Late Night Snacking Late night snacking is a huge concern for many of the people I work with in our private groups. We are so busy during our day; skipping meals, by the time 8pm hits, we feel ravenous. Here are some SIMPLE ideas to stop the cycle & reach your goals! Read More!
Cherry No Dairy Ice Cream Recipe & How to Prep Frozen Bananas After school cherry ice cream. No sugar added. ♥♥♥ Makes 4 servings Ingredients 2 frozen chopped bananas, 1 1/2 cups frozen cherries, 1 cup frozen mango. Use a tiny amount of water, unsweetened almond milk, or coconut milk, to blend if needed. Instructions: Read More!
Cooking Classes & Parties are now Available in Utah! Classes: These trainings are very FUN & Informative. You will receive printed recipes, grocery tips, planning & food prep techniques, all packaged into an enjoyable class setting with your friends & family. I offer smaller classes, where I get to know you personally so I can Read More!