
Search Results for: protein

7Jan, 17
Green herbs and vegestables ingredients

1. Water Yourself You’ve probably already heard that your body is made up of around 70% water. Your brain depends on water to function optimally and your body need adequate hydration to run effectively. Being dehydrated is the culprit of unwanted weight gain, and even food cravings. The truth is, you may think you’re hungry Read More!

18Dec, 16

The holiday season is upon us, and that means parties, get-togethers, and lots of eating. This month of the year can bring unique challenges when you’re adopting a Clean Eating lifestyle, especially when you may not have full control while celebrating in the homes of others. You may have felt a tinge of concern about Read More!

17Nov, 16
honey dijon roasted green beans recipe

Honey Dijon Roasted Green Beans Listen…I know these don’t look like much…no fancy nuts, seeds, berries here… BUT trust me….they are SO FREAKING GOOD! I was popping them in my mouth like French fries, hot out of the oven this afternoon. Whether you’re looking for a weeknight side dish, a Thanksgiving idea, or even weekly Read More!

16Nov, 16

Guest Written By: Autumn Enloe, MS, RD, LD Low carb diets have recently increased in popularity, particularly for weight loss. It’s true that having too many carbs throughout the day can lead to weight gain, but the problem is when we cut out carbohydrates completely. It is important to consume carbohydrates on a daily basis, Read More!

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