Our CleanFoodCrush Family and Friends had a GREAT year and we’re so proud to show off a few of the TOP transformations of 2017, voted by our readers 🙂 
From chronic sugar cravings to inflammation and stubborn weight gain – our challengers come from all walks of life and overcome incredible hurdles when they say YES to transformation.
Billie started her journey with CleanFoodCrush when she and her son lost 59 pounds taking the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge! Now she works with us, supporting and guiding new challengers in our private groups every day. Here’s what Billie shared abot her transforamtion:
The 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge taught me that good health is more than a slim waist.
Here Are My Results of Taking the Challenge and Continuing to Eat Clean:
- One of the biggest benefits is my energy has increased drastically and I no longer hit that midday slump.
- My energy is more sustained throughout the day and I no longer feel the need to reach for coffee at 3 pm!
- My son and is my accountability partner and he pushes me harder that I would ever do alone, even on those days I feel like skipping a workout he reminds me “why I started”.
- I lost 35 lbs total.
- My son lost 24 lbs! Isn’t he amazing?!
Learn how Billie and Her Son Lost the Weight with Clean Eating.
Karen is a 49 year old single mom and she was struggling with chronic sugar cravings and stubborn weight gain. Here’s what Karen had to say about her transformation:
The mental and emotional results are truly more than half the battle, but my physical results are truly something to celebrate! Here’s what I experienced in 30 days…
- Lost 18 pounds
- Lost 10 inches
- Can wear clothes I haven’t worn in 2 years
- Don’t feel bloated/full all the time
- More energy
- More confidence
- I can walk into a store/restaurant and not buy anything because I don’t crave it!
- I’m in control of what I eat now!
Learn how Karen lost 18 pounds and BEAT her sugar cravings with the Clean Eating Challenge!
Karen is a 47 year old mom and was having a really hard time losing weight and struggled with her body image. Here’s what she shared about her journey:
The 30 Day Challenge helped me gain my self confidence back!!! I’ve lost over 30lbs and the inches just keep coming off!!!
- Since starting the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge I’ve been feeling amazing!
- I’m not tired anymore or suffering from carrying extra weight
- I’m no longer experiencing the sugar high’s and lows
- I am very aware of what I am putting in my body, the inches and weight have come off
- my blood pressure is way better
- Most of all I am enjoying my new lifestyle!
Learn how Karla lost 30 pounds and transformed her lifestyle with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge!