

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
8Dec, 20
Clean Food Love


Meet Alecia, Who Lost 50 Pounds Since March with CleanFoodCrush!

Alecia first shared the story of her transformation when she lost 25 pounds in 11 weeks after starting with us in March.  She’s stuck with The Plan and has lost another 25 pounds since then!  Here is what she has to say now:

“I began my journey with Rachel, Billie and Daisy in March, just as Covid and the shelter in place started. 

I was a silent observer on the fb page for about 2 years before I got serious.

I have been following the plan very closely since I started.  I’ve had  2 or 3  temptations that I did not resist.  I didn’t beat myself up too bad and got right back on as soon as I could.

Since then, I have seen my habits change from automatically reaching for unhealthy foods to searching out healthy options to eat. 

There isn’t much I miss from my old way of eating. 

I still crave crusty yeasty bread.  But I don’t give in. 

As of November, I have lost 50 lbs.  That is my half goal.  I have 50 more to go but am confident, with time and consistency, I will reach my final goal of 100 pounds.

I had some pretty serious health issues during several months of this journey.  For a time I had no energy, severe pain and was unable to walk without a cane.  I know that eating healthy during this time allowed me to heal faster and recover more fully. 

Now, I am finding my exercise routine again and I’m feeling so much better.  Almost back to normal.  I know I have more energy and I can move without getting winded and feeling like I’m heavy and weighted down.

My favorite features of the CleanFoodCrush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge is the encouragement that I still get from the fb page. I love it.  The best part is all the recipes Rachel shares and the access to them on her website.  I still read all the informational blogs she posts.  I’ve read them all before but I have to keep reminding myself of them so it’s fresh in my mind.

My motivation is my health.  At 54 I suddenly had a great need to take better care of myself. 

Before my journey, I could hardly move. 

Now I can do so many more things without problems.  ie.  I could not roll over in bed without getting winded.  

I have had at least 4 friends join a challenge. 

At a 50 pound loss, people can see the changes and ask me what I’m doing to lose.  Of course, I give most of the credit to Rachel and CFC.

My life has definitely improved since my last update. 

As I stated before my health issues could have been so much worse and taken longer to heal if I was not eating healthy.

  • The doctor took me off one of my blood pressure meds. 
  • I can wear my wedding ring again.
  • And I crossed my legs in church last week. 

These are things I haven’t been able to do in many years.  It’s so exciting!

I am Hospitality Director at our church.  All the meals I prepare now are healthy.  They all seem to like clean eating.  I haven’t had any complaints.

The blender muffins are fabulous.  You can do ANYTHING with them.  I also love the Chocolate Zucchini Cake.

If I knew before what I know now, I would have educated myself long ago about food for fuel instead of fun.  Fun equaled fat and unhealthy. 

Nutrition is so much more important than fat, sugar and flour.  Don’t start bad habits.  Eat well from the start.

Dont be afraid of trying something new.  It works!  Just jump in and do it.  It could save your life.  It did for me.”

–  Alecia

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