
All posts in 'Breakfast'

11Jan, 20

Cranberry Crumble Bars A wintertime breakfast or snack idea that we ABSOLUTELY LOVE! Cranberries offer a considerable range of health benefits. They are a good source of many vitamins and antioxidants. Here’s 2 of our FAVORITE CFC homemade cranberry sauce recipes: CFC’s Festive Homemade Cranberry Sauce Homemade Low-Sugar Cranberry Sauce Makes 12 servings Ingredients: FOR Read More!

2Nov, 19

Baked Protein Oats for Clean Eating Mornings! Probably THE biggest request we receive here at CFC is “post more breakfast ideas,” primarily ones that can be made ahead of time then eaten throughout our busy workweek. These bars are GREAT for breakfast, but also an EXCELLENT post-workout meal. I enjoy a square with some high Read More!

21Sep, 19

Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats Raise your hand (okay…just leave a comment below) if you’re joining me in eating Pumpkin Everything these next few months. #PumpkinEverything Pumpkin is super filling and satisfying, thanks to its high fiber content, but it’s also low-calorie. So, it’ll fill you up, with plenty of nutrients = energy fuel! Pumpkin also Read More!

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