
All posts in 'Breakfast'

8Jun, 20

Breakfast Egg + Broccoli Bars EXCELLENT idea for Sunday brunch, or meal prepping for your week ahead. These protein packed Breakfast Bars are known to convince even the picky eaters to eat their broccoli! Set your entire family up for a week of health, by spending a bit of time on the weekends preparing your Read More!

21Mar, 20

Potato & Egg Boats These are the twice-baked potato of breakfast time. They take a bit of time in the morning to allow the potatoes to bake, but it’s mostly hands-off time and SO WORTH IT! So pop your potatoes into the oven, and enjoy your coffee and a good book while they’re baking. Potato Read More!

14Mar, 20

Loaded Breakfast Tacos An anytime-of-day Protein-Packed Taco…because “breakfast food” really is AWESOME anytime food! Breakfast-type foods make for a fast, and balanced meal any time of the day…not just mornings. So grab these ingredients when you need a QUICK lunch or dinner too! ➡️ Why Sprouted tortillas? Ezekiel is not gluten-free, however, sprouted grains (gluten-free and Read More!

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