
Search Results for: snack

6Mar, 16

Refrigerator Snack Drawer Prep Kids (and adults) refrigerator snack drawer all prepped thanks to the kids helping out today! The kiddos are food prepping their own snacks for the week. Getting kids involved is the best way to get kids to eat the good stuff! Various fruits and vegetables (shop the sales!) Rinsed & COMPLETELY Read More!

10Mar, 15

Say Goodbye to Late Night Snacking Late night snacking is a huge concern for many of the people I work with in our private groups. We are so busy during our day; skipping meals, by the time 8pm hits, we feel ravenous. Here are some SIMPLE ideas to stop the cycle & reach your goals! Read More!

6Oct, 14

Fruit & Chocolate Stacks – Strawberry, Peanut Butter, Banana – After School Snacks After School Snacks! These are fun! Ingredients: Strawberries & Bananas Peanut Butter Lily’s brand dark chocolate sweetened with stevia Instructions: I quickly sliced Strawberries & Bananas. Added little bit of Peanut Butter in between. Carefully placed the little stacks on lollipop sticks. Read More!

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