I really enjoy the taste & texture of spaghetti squash. I adore Fresh Tomatoes. I really loved this entire idea!NOT EVEN CLOSE to crispy crust pizza, but a fantastic meal, that has so many variations! For the spaghetti squash Prep: Cut a medium spaghetti squash in half, scoop out seeds. Very lightly coat the inside Read More!
Say Goodbye to Late Night Snacking Late night snacking is a huge concern for many of the people I work with in our private groups. We are so busy during our day; skipping meals, by the time 8pm hits, we feel ravenous. Here are some SIMPLE ideas to stop the cycle & reach your goals! Read More!
Real Comment Left on the CFC Facebook page – “Made these for lunch the other day and they were FANTASTIC…never go wrong with one of Rachel’s recipes!!’ – Amanda I was CRAVING lasagna tonight, but decided to use THIS recipe instead…Italian stuffed zucchini did the trick! Sometimes I sprinkle with a little parmigiano or mozzarella cheese, Read More!
Grain-Free Pumpkin Muffins Must-Try! PROMISE these are SO good! My children LOVE these on cool Fall mornings. Makes 12 GRAIN FREE Muffins Ingredients: 3/4 cup all natural pumpkin puree 1 cup all-natural almond butter 1/3 cup raw honey, or pure maple syrup 2 whole eggs 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Pie spice *You can always make your own Read More!
“Instant” Oatmeal Jars Oatmeal Jars are so convenient & versatile for busy mornings! Endless Flavor Combinations. Simply fill with HOT milk or water…finish getting ready for the day….grab & GO! The kids & I prepared an entire weeks worth of jars together. We had a lot of fun creating our own unique mixes and combos! Read More!
Recently several “health coaches” began sending women messages in the CFC Facebook group…offering weight loss advice & help. I usually keep quiet about this stuff, this one made me kinda mad. I’m all for treats/balance/living life…BUT... The advice that is being given is that diet coke, sugar-free Jello, (chemical filled junk) CAN, & SHOULD be Read More!
My TRANSFORMATION Story I gave birth to 4 babies within 5 years.Whoa! It was such an exciting and special time in my life, but also a huge adjustment, living in a body I did not recognize. During those early years I thought I was being such a good mom by baking cookies almost every day! Read More!
In my new Transformation Tuesday series I’m going to be sharing stories from other people who are also having success shifting to a clean eating lifestyle. Here’s the first of many! – Rach <3 Jen Marco: Clean eating has changed my life, because it’s not just about the food, the calories, or the lack of Read More!
Cottage Cheese: Tips, Health Benefits, & 10 Recipes Cottage cheese is a pretty common and generally favorable food, both as a snack and as an ingredient in lots of dishes, from breakfast to dinner to snacks. It’s not for everyone, but if you can get away with covertly hiding it in your next meal, you Read More!