1. Take a few minutes to yourself Even when you feel like it’s unreasonable to take a few minutes to yourself. Finding space to take a breather is so important for your well-being! All too often we place such high expectations upon ourselves and think we have to do it all for everyone all the Read More!
1. Quit Counting Calories What!? Yes, I said it! Stop counting calories and start enjoying what you eat. Sounds great doesn’t it? One of the questions I’m always being asked is the calorie count on my recipes on this website, and in our 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. We don’t count calories because when you’re Read More!
Coconut oil has a reputation for being a multi-functional superfood. This highly versatile oil is rich in MCFA’s (medium chain fatty acids), which support heart, brain, immune and metabolic health. It has been compared to breast milk in its ability to improve immune function, because it contains lauric acid and an array of vitamins and Read More!
Hi 🙂 This is the story of how I lost 15 pounds, began to heal my chronic migraines and helped me family become healthier through the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. My name is Nancy I am 42, mother of 3 kids ranging from the age of 2 to 8 years old. I’m married to a Read More!
At first you might write inflammation off as the possible culprit of your weight struggles or other health issues if you’re not in physical pain. But did you know that chronic inflammation may be silently wreaking havoc in your body without showing you obvious signs? Weight gain, acne, eczema and fatigue are all associated to Read More!
Hello! 🙂 My name is Heidi Joyce and I’m 42 yrs old. This is my personal experience with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge and how I broke my sugar-addiction, overcame binge eating and transformed my life 🙂 I’ve been married for 10 years (wow!) and have 2 children age 4 and 9 yrs old Read More!
Hey, there!! My name is Tammy Morrell and I am so excited to have the opportunity to share my Clean Eating Journey with you and how I lost 30 pound despite having PCOS and a severe health condition 🙂 I’m 42 years old and have been married to my best friend for 16 years. My Read More!
Cravings are your body speaking to you and telling you what it needs, or what nutrients you’re lacking. But one of the challenges in this is the reality that our food processing has gotten to the point of destruction. Our brains are wired for excess fat, salt and sugar and we crave what we “think” will Read More!
Hello! My name is Toni 🙂 I can’t believe I’m turning 40 this year!! I’m a wife and mother of a 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son. I’m also a full-time employee of a civil engineering firm. This is my personal experience of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, thanks for letting me share with Read More!
Inflammation can force your body to hold on to excess weight longer than it should. Weight loss often happens more effortlessly when the foods you eat are “inflammation friendly”, meaning they support healing rather than causing your body to go into defense mode. Clean Eating is a whole-foods approach to living without dieting. You’re crowding Read More!