20 Ways to Reduce Inflammation and Water Weight Inflammation is what happens in your body when it’s fighting something harmful, such as infections, injuries, and toxins. When something is damaging your cells, your body releases chemicals that trigger a response from your immune system. However, it can be damaging and cause increased water weight. Thankfully, Read More!
Taking positive steps towards losing weight is always a good thing, whether they’re monumental efforts or small changes. Going on a diet, having a more active lifestyle, and cooking nutritious meals for the family take one closer and closer to healthy weight loss. But more than just taking on a diet trend or trying a Read More!
While the diet industry attempts to scare us out of eating carbohydrates, Clean Eaters are proving that carbs are in fact very healthy and can help us lose weight. As women, we often need more carbohydrates than men do to lose weight. Why? Because carbohydrates give our bodies the energy we need, and help to Read More!
Hi 🙂 My name is Jennifer White and I am 32 years old. I’m a mother of 4 (3 girls and a baby boy) and have a military spouse. My husband is in the Navy and was deployed when our youngest was 4 weeks old, that is actually when I decided to join the 30 Read More!
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Bowls A quick Autumn breakfast, or energy snack idea – Loaded with Nutrition!Makes 2 servings/bowls Ingredients: 2 small frozen, sliced bananas 1 cup all natural pumpkin puree 3/4 cup almond milk 2 Tbsps almond butter 2 Tbsps raw honey, or pure maple syrup 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice Topping ideas: fresh berries, Read More!
Hi 🙂 My name is Harmony! I’m honored to share my experience of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge with you and how it’s helped me transform so quickly. I’m 43 years old, living in Austin Texas. I have been blessed to have an ultra-supportive boyfriend, my adorable doggie, and a family that supports Read More!
Hi I’m Jacklynn 🙂 Thanks for reading about my journey with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. My husband and I did this together, and we’ve had amazing results already! I’m 33 years old and have been married to a wonderful man for almost 12 years who happened to be my high school sweetheart. We Read More!
1. Take a few minutes to yourself Even when you feel like it’s unreasonable to take a few minutes to yourself. Finding space to take a breather is so important for your well-being! All too often we place such high expectations upon ourselves and think we have to do it all for everyone all the Read More!
1. Quit Counting Calories What!? Yes, I said it! Stop counting calories and start enjoying what you eat. Sounds great doesn’t it? One of the questions I’m always being asked is the calorie count on my recipes on this website, and in our 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. We don’t count calories because when you’re Read More!
Coconut oil has a reputation for being a multi-functional superfood. This highly versatile oil is rich in MCFA’s (medium chain fatty acids), which support heart, brain, immune and metabolic health. It has been compared to breast milk in its ability to improve immune function, because it contains lauric acid and an array of vitamins and Read More!