Green Smoothie Prep Packets 2 Weeks of Pre-made, drop into the blender Green Morning Smoothies for your family! ➡️ Have you ever heard of batching? Batching is: Doing a bunch of similar tasks all at once. When we get in our “groove” with a single task we become more efficient. Instead of spending 10 minutes Read More!
Simple, Fun, Clean Snack Ideas No relying on processed snacks when you have these in your kitchen arsenal! When you have kids, (or 4 of them 😀 ) it helps to keep the snacks simple, fun and YUMMY. With the right recipes and ideas you can keep the packaged stuff away as often as Read More!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake & My Clean Green and Lean Smoothie Formula Quick and tasty energy to fuel your workout or your day! Serves 1 Ingredients 1 scoops whey protein in chocolate 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk, or cashew milk 1 banana (Frozen bananas are Good here!) 2 tablespoons peanut butter 3-5 Read More!
Pumpkin Fries! Have you tried these babies?!? They will surprise you!Makes 6 Servings Ingredients: 2 small pie pumpkins ➡️ Salty Pumpkin Fries: 2 teaspoons garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper ‣ 1 teaspoon onion powder ‣ 1 tablespoon olive oil ‣ sea salt to taste OR ➡️ Sweet Fries: 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice ‣ Read More!
My TRANSFORMATION Story I gave birth to 4 babies within 5 years.Whoa! It was such an exciting and special time in my life, but also a huge adjustment, living in a body I did not recognize. During those early years I thought I was being such a good mom by baking cookies almost every day! Read More!