
Search Results for: ground turkey

5Jun, 16

Grilled Zucchini Mexican Pizzas Mexican Pizzas made on top of Zucchini slices are sizzling away on my grill this afternoon! Weekend Party Food! Ingredients: Slice 4-6 medium zucchini, and/or yellow squash into nice long, thin strips.  Tomatoes Green Peppers Red Onion Fresh Corn Green Onions Cilantro Black Beans Olives Avocado All-natural cheese (optional)   Instructions: Read More!

17Dec, 15

English Cucumber & Avocado Tuna Rolls Had a few friends over for lunch today, and this is what we made together! So simple…impressive…fun...you gotta invite YOUR people over for a lunch date & make these asap! Ingredient Ideas: Largest English cucumbers you can find Tuna, Salmon, (leftover from dinner works great, or smoked salmon ?) Read More!

12Oct, 15

Autumn Salad with Raspberry Walnut Dressing Ready for Autumn Salad inspo? Fresh salads are the perfect companion to our roasted meats in the Fall…endless variety to keep the season bright & healthy! This particular salad goes very well with a roasted Turkey, right out of the oven. Ingredients: Autumn Salad Options: chopped roasted walnuts roasted Read More!

27Mar, 15

White Sweet Potato Sloppy Joe’s! One of my favorite ideas for burgers/sliders, or sloppy joes’s on the weekend! We have a lot of Paleo, & Gluten-free friends, so this serves as a FUN solution! Clean Sloppy Joes! My kids love these with a pickle & Slice of watermelon! Makes 6 Servings Ingredients: 2 bell peppers Read More!

28Dec, 14

I spend a few hours every Sunday prepping for the week. It’s something I really look forward to. Coffee, music, chitter chatter with the kids. The purpose: NOT relying on convenience food-regardless of what happens during the busy week. ■  I no longer use “Almond Breeze”. It contains carrageenan (Google it). “Silk” brand uses non-GMO Read More!

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