Quick Antipasto “Tacos” These lil’ roll-ups are a really fun & simple summertime lunch or patio party entertaining idea! Set out a big tray for everyone, or serve em’ up “bar style” and let them build their own! These are great during the warmer months because you can just throw the ingredients into a cooler Read More!
Meet Barb and Mark who lost 56.4 pounds between them with the Clean Food Crush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. We have been married 27 years and have two daughters and 4 grandsons and we live in Iowa. We are both retired. What we do for fun: We have always walked the neighborhood and trails Read More!
Chipotle Tuna Salad Stuffed Avocados A DELICIOUS and unique lunch idea! I made up a quick batch of these the other day for our entire crew, and they were gone faster than anything I’ve made in quite a while! Total crowd pleaser! I think these would be awesome with shredded chicken instead of tuna if Read More!
Hi, I’m Cindy, and this is how I lost 10 Pounds and 4 Inches with the Clean Food Crush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge. I have been married for 30 years and have two adult children. I became an empty nester in Fall 2019 when my youngest daughter moved out to go to college. With Read More!
Hi, my name is Emily and I’m 34 years old, and this is how I lost 15lbs and 11 inches with CleanFoodCrush 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge! I LOVE food! I love to cook food, eat food, go out for meals, make extravagant cheese boards and wash it all down with wine! I worked in Read More!
What do mealtimes look like in your household? Are they planned or a bit chaotic (or maybe a little bit of both)? If you’ve been seeking a more peaceful experience with meal times, meal prepping may be just what you need. Chances are, you’re probably not a stranger to the idea of meal prepping. Yet Read More!
10 Minute Honey Garlic Shrimp SUPER simple ingredients with results that taste like your favorite take out restaurant! Skip takeout tonight, and create a (much tastier + healthier) 10 minute version in your own kitchen! This quick meal is a family favorite, and Mom and Dad favorite for several reasons: It’s REALLY FAST and SIMPLE Read More!
Loaded Breakfast Tacos An anytime-of-day Protein-Packed Taco…because “breakfast food” really is AWESOME anytime food! Breakfast-type foods make for a fast, and balanced meal any time of the day…not just mornings. So grab these ingredients when you need a QUICK lunch or dinner too! ➡️ Why Sprouted tortillas? Ezekiel is not gluten-free, however, sprouted grains (gluten-free and Read More!
Crispy Crunchy Chicken + Rice Herb Salad With Springtime right around the corner, I’m craving lighter, fresher, and faster meals like this! Isn’t this Salad ABSOLUTELY beautiful?! I love the addition of all the fresh GREEN colored foods, which makes for a really interesting presentation. There are lots of different, yet complementary flavors and textures Read More!
Hi friend! My name is Kristine, and I have lost 29 pounds since August with the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge! I am 48 with four kids between 9 and 14. I have a husband in the military who has been deployed three times since we have been Read More!