Meet Markela, Who Lost 20 Pounds and Has Kept It Off For Four Years! My name is Markela, but I go by Kela. I am from Las Vegas and still reside in Nevada. I am 34 years old, and I have 2 kids, a 7-year-old son and a 14-year-old daughter. As a career Read More!
Nectarine Quinoa Tabbouleh I completely adore a bright flavor-packed Tabbouleh – and this is one of the best I’ve tasted! Excellent idea for a fresh quick lunch or dinner addition (spoon over grilled chicken, salmon, or shrimp) and it’s also FABULOUS as a make-ahead food prep recipe because it stays great in the fridge for Read More!
Health Benefits Of Nuts + What To Look For When Buying (Plus a Simple Nut Butter Recipe!) There are many reasons to eat nuts. Not only are they tasty, but they’re also portable, convenient, and can fit into most dietary needs (with the exception of nut allergies). Nuts, such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, and Read More!
Join our Clean Food Crush Facebook Group! To gain access to our supportive community!Download your Free 5-Day Challenge! To eliminate that unwanted weight and get your health back on track! Be sure to check your inbox for your bonus-filled email! And in 24 hours, get your additional BONUS eBook: 7 Days of Fun Clean Recipes!(Note: If Read More!
Meet Barb, Who Lost 12 Pounds and Says Joining Challenge Was Best Decision Ever! Hello! I’m Barb, a 61-year-old wife and mother of two sons. My husband and I are empty-nesters and live in the state of Indiana. We enjoy hiking, attending live musical performances, bird watching and gardening. I work full-time as a Read More!
Jen Is Back, And More than On Track! One Year Later, She’s Lost Another 5 Pounds! When Jen posted an update pic, and after we picked our collective jaws off the ground, we HAD to get an update to share her story with you. Jen first shared her transformation with us in October of Read More!
This Year, Break Through Your Weight-Loss Plateaus Whenever we make a plan to reach an objective, we can sometimes fall into a rut that prevents further progress. It’s likely happened to all of us at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, plateaus can be detrimental to achieving the goals you have made. Not to mention, Read More!
Leftover Turkey Cobb Salad Wraps 🥑🥚🍗 Here’s a SUPER quick, protein-packed, cobb “salad” wrap recipe to use up any leftover roasted chicken (or turkey). Sometimes we just need some beautiful inspiration to create the spark that makes us want to jump into the kitchen and create a tasty meal! THIS IS IT. Simple meal idea Read More!
CleanFoodCrush’s Favorite Recipes All In One Place With the year coming to an end (how crazy is that?!) I’ve been looking back at the last 12 months and am SO thankful for how far Clean Food Crush has come since I started this Clean Eating Online Community many years ago. I’m grateful for all of Read More!
Meet Kella, Who Lost 16 Pounds with CleanFoodCrush! My name is Kella and I took the plunge on June 13, 2022, to do the CleanFoodCrush 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge. This was after stepping on the scale and hitting a record all-time high of 158.2 pounds. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I Read More!