
Search Results for: protein

14Mar, 20

Loaded Breakfast Tacos An anytime-of-day Protein-Packed Taco…because “breakfast food” really is AWESOME anytime food! Breakfast-type foods make for a fast, and balanced meal any time of the day…not just mornings. So grab these ingredients when you need a QUICK lunch or dinner too! ➡️ Why Sprouted tortillas? Ezekiel is not gluten-free, however, sprouted grains (gluten-free and Read More!

14Feb, 20

Rosemary Roasted Root Vegetables This is such a SIMPLE recipe that we use so often at our house, for dinner and/or meal prep, I almost forget that it’s an actual recipe! While this combination of root veggies and rosemary is complementary and FABULOUS together, feel free to use up whatever you have in your kitchen, Read More!

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