
All posts in 'Lunch'

3Feb, 15

Submarine Sandwiches on English Cucumber My New Favorite Lunch  I saw this cucumber turkey sandwich smeared with cream cheese on @nataliejillfit page earlier today.  Soooo…I created my own! Ingredients Cucumber Turkey Sandwich smeared Cream cheese Avocado Instructions: I scooped out the cucumber seeds with a spoon.  Filled with a little smashed avocado & lime juice. Read More!

2Feb, 15

Grab & GO Caprese Salad IN-A-JAR Simple way to BRIGHTEN your lunchtime! Ingredients 1-2 tsp extra virgin olive oil Sea salt Organic balsamic vinegar (optional, I did not use) Organic grape/cherry tomatoes 1/4 cup fresh all natural mozzarella pearls. 1/2 torn fresh basil leaves/baby spinach combo Instructions: It’s VERY important that the jars are completely Read More!

30Dec, 14

Real Comment Left on the  CFC Facebook page – “Made these for lunch the other day and they were FANTASTIC…never go wrong with one of Rachel’s recipes!!’ – Amanda I was CRAVING lasagna tonight, but decided to use THIS recipe instead…Italian stuffed zucchini did the trick! Sometimes I sprinkle with a little parmigiano or mozzarella cheese, Read More!

28Dec, 14

I spend a few hours every Sunday prepping for the week. It’s something I really look forward to. Coffee, music, chitter chatter with the kids. The purpose: NOT relying on convenience food-regardless of what happens during the busy week. ■  I no longer use “Almond Breeze”. It contains carrageenan (Google it). “Silk” brand uses non-GMO Read More!

27Dec, 14

A Salad People Actually Want. Really! Some of the comments left on instagram about this recipe:☆We made this today, it was sooooo good! Thank you for the recipe and your beautiful healthy inspiration!☆ I made this with salmon tonight. So good! The roasted corn and jalapeños are to die for!For the Shrimp: For the shrimp: Read More!

24Dec, 14

{A very simple preparation with fantastic results!} Brussels are my absolute favorite vegetable. I didn’t really discover this until I turned 30… so filling & FULL of vitamins & nutrients! Servers 4: (Preheat oven to 400 degrees f) Ingredients: 1 lb Brussel Sprouts, rinsed, trimmed, & halved lengthwise. 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil or Read More!

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