
All posts in 'Recipes'

19Nov, 19

Creamy Tomato Cucumber Chopped Salad There is just something spectacular about THIS SIMPLE crisp-chopped creamy salad creation! Uncomplicated and basic ingredients…but each time I make this, I’m reminded how much I absolutely ADORE these types of salads. You most likely already have all the ingredients in your kitchen right now…our FAVORITE type of recipe!Makes 4 Read More!

19Nov, 19

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Spice Muffins Wait! We’re not quite ready to put away ourĀ #PumpkinĀ yet… Ummm…..Pumpkin spice (+ chocolate) season is STILL going STRONG over here at CFC HQ (my family kitchen) what about y’all’s?! Thanksgiving will be here SOON, so be sure to create a few more magical Fall memories in your kitchen…including THESE delectable Read More!

19Nov, 19

Ezekiel Bread Stuffing THE Stuffing Recipe you’ve all be waiting for… This may be my very most favorite thing that I’ve ever made with Ezekiel bread. Seriously SO DELICIOUS, and HEALTHY! You’ll want to make this stuffing year-round. Ezekiel bread is not gluten-free, however, sprouted grains (gluten-free and non-gluten free) are the way to go! Read More!

11Nov, 19

Ā  CFC’s FAVORITE Homemade Five Bean Salad Okay….This salad is completely ADDICTIVE with all its tangy flavors and textures. Our CFC Five Bean Salad is FABULOUS for parties, BBQ’S, and especially Holiday Celebrations (think: double/triple this recipe) because you can make it the day before, set it in the fridge…then simply pull it out and Read More!

10Nov, 19

Moroccan Spiced Turkey Soup There’s just something ultra-satisfying, and extremely comforting about a big stockpot of homemade soup sitting on the stove. Your kitchen smells delicious, soup is totally economical, and it’s great because dinner is ready anytime even if you often have a few stragglers who come home late after work or sports. Soup Read More!

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