
Search Results for: snack

31Dec, 22

Avocado Green Salsa 🥑🌱 Are you looking for the best party snacks to make this weekend? Avocado Green Salsa is a crowd favorite every time! Set out some chips and fresh vegetables to dip, and you’re set! This salsa is great to make ahead of time and store in the fridge, which makes entertaining easier. Read More!

14Dec, 22

Cheese Stuffed Mini Sweet Peppers It’s the season of PARTIES and entertaining friends & family, which means tasty quick appetizers are a necessity. I absolutely adore those little sweet peppers found in just about every produce section these days! I’ll often grab a big bag and turn them into snacks and appetizers throughout the week. Read More!

5Dec, 22

Air-Fryer Baked Apples 🍎 Naturally sweetened, warm, cozy, rustic all-natural dessert you can easily make after dinner tonight. A dollop of whipped coconut cream or high-quality vanilla bean ice cream on top = so good! It took me a while to jump on the airfryer bandwagon because I felt that I already had too many Read More!

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