
Search Results for: snack

9Feb, 22

Healthy Alternatives for Valentine’s Day Desserts Happy Valentine’s Day, CRUSHers! This upcoming holiday can be so much fun, a chance to celebrate loved ones, and a reminder to practice self-love. It can also rival Halloween for being tough on a healthy lifestyle by surrounding us with sweets and treats. Thankfully, you don’t have to deny Read More!

29Jan, 22

Pumpkin Jalapeno Muffins 🔥🔥🔥 What a TASTY combination for your weekend baking plans! Does the combo seem a little strange? Let me tell you that these flavors complement each other in a very surprisingly great way! I think these muffins make an awesome addition to your morning savory breakfast alongside some scrambled eggs. But these Read More!

27Jan, 22

The Best Clean Comfort Foods For Dreary Days Ah, comfort foods. Those feel-good, warm, wrap-you-in-a-hug foods that we turn to when we’re feeling blue or when the weather turns crisp. Cold weather means trying harder to stay warm, and what better way than eating warm food? We all have something that brings those nostalgic feelings Read More!

22Jan, 22

Loaded Baked Potatoes 🥔🥔🥔 Potatoes are a REAL FOOD and a very nutrient-dense meal option, especially for active people requiring higher carbs for energy! These homemade baked potatoes are a FABULOUS meal or snack idea for your kids & growing teens! I have 6 of ’em at home and I gotta tell ya that potatoes Read More!

30Dec, 21

The Power of Having a Positive Mindset Health Benefits + How to Practice Positive Thinking I’m sure everyone would agree that having positive thoughts is much more fun than having negative thoughts. Research shows that positive thinking can dramatically affect a person’s overall physical and emotional health. The problem is, it can be challenging to Read More!

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