10 Natural Ways to Remedy a Cold or Flu! Being stuck at home sick with the flu or a cold can be miserable. You can do many things to try and alleviate the symptoms, including visiting your doctor, taking medicine, or trying some at-home remedies to fight the virus. Here are ten excellent remedies for Read More!
Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck. The thyroid is tiny, yet so powerful. It’s responsible for regulating metabolism, and stores and produces almost all of the hormones our bodies produce! If your thyroid is underactive, you might feel sluggish, tired, and gain weight without eating more or changing your routine. Losing weight Read More!
Okay, so you’re wondering how oats can possibly change your life. Well, it’s true, they can! But not just any oats, we’re talking overnight oats here. Once you get the easy skill and habit down of whipping up this raw version of oatmeal, you’ll be well on your way to a vitamin, mineral, and fiber-packed Read More!
While the diet industry attempts to scare us out of eating carbohydrates, Clean Eaters are proving that carbs are in fact very healthy and can help us lose weight. As women, we often need more carbohydrates than men do to lose weight. Why? Because carbohydrates give our bodies the energy we need, and help to Read More!
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of those affordable and unsuspecting health secrets that can become a household staple in your pantry and medicine cabinet! ACV contains more than 90 different substances that benefit your health, like loads of potassium, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, copper and bioflavonoids. But do you realize all the many ways you Read More!
Coconut oil has a reputation for being a multi-functional superfood. This highly versatile oil is rich in MCFA’s (medium chain fatty acids), which support heart, brain, immune and metabolic health. It has been compared to breast milk in its ability to improve immune function, because it contains lauric acid and an array of vitamins and Read More!
Written By: Autumn Enloe, MS, RD, LD You may have seen that the American Heart Association recently released a report (1) advising against the use of coconut oil due to its high content of saturated fat. Although we have been taught for years to avoid saturated fat, research shows that coconut oil is not the Read More!
Did you know that where your body stores fat is indicative of what’s going on internally for you on a hormonal level? Hormones are often related to how much body fat we have and where the fat sits on our body. Therefore, understanding what your hormones are trying to tell you can be helpful in Read More!
Cravings are your body speaking to you and telling you what it needs, or what nutrients you’re lacking. But one of the challenges in this is the reality that our food processing has gotten to the point of destruction. Our brains are wired for excess fat, salt and sugar and we crave what we “think” will Read More!
Beautiful Tropical Smoothie Bowls with Spirulina These tropical smoothie bowls are SO fun to create and share on a day when the sun is shining bright! #PineappleLove! Have you ever tried Spirulina? Just one serving contains an excellent source of vitamins A, K1, K2, B12 and iron, manganese and chromium, a rich source of health-giving phytonutrients More Read More!