Healthy Brain Food: Fueling Your Kids’ Minds for Success
A rounded diet filled with fruits, veggies, nutrients, and vitamins is vital for a healthy life. They impact every part of our body, including the mind.
With school in full swing, we may be thinking even more about how to strengthen our kids’ minds so they can be as successful in their classes as possible!
Here are 10 foods to keep the brain healthy and fuel your kids’ minds.
Nuts & Seeds
Pumpkin seeds, in particular, may enhance memory and boost your mood. Nuts, like walnuts, almonds, and peanuts, and natural nut butters are also full of protein and omega fatty acids that your brain needs.
Salmon is high in omega 3s, DHA in particular, a building block of the brain that improves brain function. So this, and other fatty fish, may promote healthy brain function. It’s best to enjoy fish about twice a week; just be aware of mercury levels and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.
Dark berries such as blueberries are superfoods high in antioxidants, which protect against free radicals, making them one powerful brain food. Berries are also full of flavonoids, a natural plant pigment that helps improve memory.
Dark Chocolate
As if we need anymore reasons to indulge in some chocolate! Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants and supports learning and cognitive functions. This is great for kids in school and adults hoping to slow the aging process in the brain and delay the effects of diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Eggs may help recall and memory and are a fantastic protein and vitamin B12 source. The yolks, in particular, are packed with choline, which helps memory development. So you’re getting a boost of energy and vitamins that improve cognitive functioning–name a better way to start the day!
Dark Leafy Greens
There are several reasons it’s important to get greens in your kid’s diet, and the fact that they’re a brain-boosting superfood is one of them! Kale, spinach, and collards are PACKED with nutrients like vitamin K, iron, lutein, folate, and beta-carotene. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are also full of these nutrients, plant compounds, and antioxidants.
These veggies can help slow cognitive decline and support brain development, making them essential for kids and adults.
Beans are rich in fiber, zinc, protein, iron, B vitamins, and omega fatty acids. All of these aid in concentration, memory, and brain development.
Oats & Whole Grains
Whole grains, such as quinoa and brown rice, contain complex carbs, B vitamins, and omega 3s, which support brain function. They’re also an important source of energy, which can help regulate mood and strengthen memory.
Oats are also a nutritious superfood full of vitamin E and potassium and an excellent energy source and brain fuel!
Unsweetened yogurt is an easy, kid-friendly way to support brain growth. It contains nutrients such as protein, zinc, choline, and iodine, vital to brain development and neurological processes. It’s also a great probiotic source and can promote gut health and heart health.
Lean Meats