
All posts by Rachel Maser

16Jan, 19

Harvest Minestrone Soup I know…SO many ingredients! Promise you, it’s completely worth the effort! This soup is tasty, filling, warm, and SUPER satisfying…all while making a very nutritious meal that serves A LOT! Chopping is very therapeutic to me, so I make this when I have a bunch of time to work in my kitchen…dice Read More!

16Jan, 19

Strawberry Coconut Butter If you’ve purchased coconut butter at the store…you know it’s pricey! Usually 10+ dollars for just a small jar! I’ve been making mine at home, from plain (no added sweetener), to chocolate (adding coconut oil + cacao powder) to berry varieties using fresh strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries! I enjoy my homemade versions Read More!

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