

7 Days Fun of Clean RecipesDownload
Clean Food Love
6Dec, 19

Clean Eating Peppermint Patties It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year! Decadent All Natural Holiday Treats! There were lots of questions about these on Instagram, so I’ll try to answer them here: These homemade peppermint patties are mostly a coconut base, with a bit of a coconut flavor. There is no substitution for coconut here, Read More!

1Dec, 19

One Pot Leftover Turkey Soup Turkey Leftovers Anyone?!! There’s just something ultra-satisfying, and extremely comforting about a big stockpot of homemade soup sitting on the stove. Your kitchen smells delicious, soup is totally economical, and it’s great because dinner is ready even if you often have a few stragglers who come home later after work Read More!

29Nov, 19

Festive Chocolate Pomegranate Cups It’s officially time to turn up the Christmas music, and make some holiday treats and memories with the people we love! Pomegranates hold many special childhood Christmas memories for me. I remember my mother bringing home a few pomegranates only once each year…right around Christmastime, and ohhhh boy did my siblings Read More!

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